An Easy List of Tips for Moving
- Move Planning, Moving Tips, Packing Process
- Posted on 06/21/2017
Are you planning to move soon? Summer is the peak season for relocating to a new home. Global Van Lines has compiled this easy list of tips to remember as you prepare the big day. Some may sound obvious, but in the rush, you will be happy to have this checklist.
The Things People Forget When Moving
- Move Planning, Moving Mistakes, Moving Tips
- Posted on 06/16/2017
All your personal belongings are packed and organized with precision, including the big-screen TV, the crystal chandelier, and the vintage Bruce Springsteen album collection. You’ve even obtained your pet’s records from the veterinarian. But perhaps it seems as if you are forgetting something as moving day approaches, and it’s keeping you awake at night.
Keep calm and pack on! Here are just a few of the top things people forget to take care of when moving. Take a look and make sure you’ve covered all the bases for a smooth transition to your new digs.
Tips to Moving Your Car Overseas
- Auto Shipping, Moving International, Moving Tips
- Posted on 06/12/2017
Moving to a new city in the United States has its own challenges, but relocating to another country overseas has a completely new set of hurdles, such as whether to take your favorite car with you. Depending on your ultimate destination, you may be able to ship your car overseas with an international auto transport company. However, before you decide to do this, consider these important issues first before shipping your car overseas.