- Move Planning
- Posted on 06/30/2016
Moving can be a stressful ordeal. The excitement of a new home can be overwhelming by the sight of all of your suitcases and boxes, and the sudden regret that every piece of decoration you ever purchased has added to your workload.

Things To Include Your Moving Day Checklist
We understand the stress. Moving should be easy. Thankfully, long distance movers do the heavy lifting (literally) on your behalf. But they cannot do all of the work for you.
Responsibilities you will still need to handle for a successful move:
- Organize your most important paperwork, like birth certificates, passports, insurance papers, and tax forms. Put them in a folder that will stay with you at all times during the move.
- Sort out any items that you either cannot bring with your overly large furniture, for example or would prefer to do without. Donate or recycle anything that could have a second home.
- Research reliable, certified, and well-reviewed moving companies in your area.
- Notify schools and physicians offices so that you can obtain all the necessary records for all family members.
- Pack up non-essential items you could do without on a daily basis as soon as possible. For example, box up candles, photographs, and clothing you are not wearing this season.
- Notify your utility companies that you are moving and terminate your accounts or transfer them to your new address. Set up new services at your destination.
- Notify loved ones, superiors at work, neighbors, and landlords about your impending move.
- Change your address with the following institutions: the US Post Office, your bank, your insurance companies, your credit card companies, and any subscription services like newspapers that bill you at home.
- If you plan to drive your vehicle to the new location, take your vehicles in for tune-ups to ensure they can handle a long-distance drive.
- Pack up absolutely everything in strong, labeled boxes. Save toiletries and perishable food items for the day of the move.
- Confirm the time and date of your reservation with the moving company.
- Once the movers are on-site, give your home a walk-through to ensure everything that can go is being loaded or is accessible so that the movers can load it.
- Give your home a thorough cleaning. Leave no dust bunny or crumb behind.
- Do you remember those toiletries, perishable food items, and important papers? Load up your personal vehicle with these and be ready to meet the movers at your destination, where all of your possessions will be waiting safely.
Moving Advice From The Professionals
If you follow our handy checklist and select moving companies carefully, you can have a stress-free move without sleepless nights, damaged goods, or sore muscles. If you have more questions or need further advice, remember that long distance moving companies are dedicated to easing your process of transition any way they possibly can.
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