- COVID-19, Decluttering Your Home, stay at home
- Posted on 04/20/2020
If you are like many Americans during this COVID-19 “stay-at-home” effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus, then you likely have some extra time on your hands.

But, before we dive into this article, we want to share our tremendous gratitude for our first responders and all essential workers still hard at work on the front lines. This includes movers and truckers in the relocation industry as well.
Even if you are not preparing to move soon, you can use this time to organize your home and purge it of clutter. It happens to all of us: clutter accumulates in drawers, closets, and cabinets. Household storage items is an industry sector on its own. People make full-time income as professional organizers.
The Benefits of Decluttering Your Home
You will reap significant benefits by owning fewer possessions. Even so, it may be difficult to take action until the benefits become more visible and tangible. Let’s look at the benefits first.
- Less to clean. Cleaning is a chore. Cleaning items you don’t need or want is a waste of time. Get rid of those items to make cleaning more efficient.
- Less to organize. You will stay more organized with less items to keep straightened. Plus, things won’t simply “disappear” anymore.
- Less stress. A cluttered home can cause stress as you consider the mountains of useless stuff lying around.
- Less debt and spending. After you declutter your home, you will be less inclined to purchase stuff you don’t need.
- Greater financial freedom. As you spend less on items you don’t need, you will find that decluttering along with a more minimalist approach to your household needs may result in greater savings.
- Greater time and energy for your passions. Less debt, greater financial freedom, and a clean, well organized home can enable you to focus on your passions rather than your worries.
Where to Begin with Decluttering Your Home
Begin with the four-box method of organizing your home. Collect four sizable boxes and label them: re-locate, keep, give away, and trash. Use the four boxes in each room as you go through drawers, cabinets, and closets. If you haven’t used an item in a year, it should be placed into one of those four boxes.
Toss the Old Junk
If you are not preparing to move, it can still help to approach the process as if you are getting ready to pack up your entire house. As you consider each item, ask yourself: is it worth paying a moving company to pack and move it.
Whether you plan to eventually host a yard sale, donate the unnecessary items, or throw them out as trash, you will definitely find stuff that you no longer use. These are extra weight that you don’t need.
Once you are done in one room, take the “keep” box, sort the items by category, and put them away in the appropriate place. Then take the four boxes to the next room and begin again.
Keep in mind that many donation sites are not open currently, so you may need to store the donation box for a few weeks. And, you may need to hold off on a yard sale until the “stay-at-home” guidelines are lifted. Still, your home will be cleaner and more organized. And, you will have used your time productively.
Stay safe and healthy! If you want even more tips, contact your personal Global Van Lines Moving Concierge. We offer this service to you free of charge and completely without obligation. We look forward to hearing from you!
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