- Move Planning, Packing Process
- Posted on 03/26/2019
Whether your move is local or cross-country, you need a lot of organization and coordination to make it happen smoothly. One area some people neglect is important documents that are necessary and difficult to replace quickly. We recommend gathering them into one safe place early in your planning stage and make copies to keep in other places if the originals are lost or misplaced.

Driver’s License
Although you don’t want to put your original driver’s license into a safe deposit box at the bank, you do want to ensure that it is in your wallet at all times. Keep a copy along with the other original documents in a secure place.
If you are moving for a new job, you will need your passport up-to-date to verify your US citizenship. You can renew it by mail in some situations. Otherwise, you will need to reapply for a new one in person. You can pay an additional amount for an expedited document. Once you have your valid passport, keep it safe and away from the packing boxes.
Social Security Card
Each person in your family should have a social security number and card. If you can’t find the originals, you need to order replacements as soon as possible. You can order replacements online in some cases, although you will typically find it difficult to do for minor children. If you need replacements, consider a trip to the Social Security office to order them all at once. Have identity documents with you to expedite the process. When you have them, lock them up with the passports. But, as always, make copies and keep those together in a safe, but separate place.
Vehicle Registration
You will need to register your cars in your new town and state, so bring along your current registration cards and proof of insurance to the local motor vehicles office as soon as possible once you move in. Your new state will issue a new license plate and tag; if your move was intrastate your license plate and tag are good, but your insurance premiums may change.
Health and Immunization Records
If you have children, their new schools will require proof of immunization prior to enrollment. Plus, having copies of all the family medical records will help when you have initial appointments with new doctors.
Many doctor’s offices can print the official state records of your immunizations. Since you’ll need original copies of most things, keep them together in a file folder and keep it with you or in a secure location during the actual move. This document is easier to replace quickly if necessary.
Birth Certificate and Marriage Certificate
Ensure that you the original birth certificates and marriage certificates in a safe place. Keep copies with you. Many times, a copy will suffice. Still, ordering new official documents can take time. If you need to, order new certified copies long before you move and lock them up.
Global Van Lines has been helping families move for decades, and we want to share our experience with you. We do this by offering you a dedicated, personal Global Van Lines Moving Concierge to assist you and answer your questions at no charge to you. Tap into our knowledge and vast network of vetted moving professionals for a smoother move.
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